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Enhanced Due Diligence

Greyhawk is a recognised leader in the provision of enhanced due diligence of investment targets and prospective business partners.



Greyhawk has conducted due diligence prior to over 100 IPOs and bond issues on European and US exchanges in the last five years

We don’t work to templates and we tailor the scope of every investigation according to client needs. Our background investigations examine both companies and their key individuals. We evaluate companies’ ownership, corporate history and market position. We assess the track record, business interests and perceived probity of owners and key managers. For both, we highlight the potential commercial, financial crime and reputation risks.

Our clients include:

  • Legal, Risk and Compliance Teams. We identify fraud, corruption, money laundering and selected ESG risks by investigating the background and integrity of prospective clients, suppliers and other business partners.
  • M&A Teams. Our reputational due diligence digs deep into the track record, reliability and market position of acquisition targets and joint venture partners.
  • Investment Banks. Our team has 25 years’ experience in capital markets, working for the financial crime teams of leading US and European investment banks. Greyhawk’s track record includes enhanced due diligence prior to over 60 IPOs or secondary listings and over 100 sovereign or corporate debt issues. Clients call on our expertise to explain unresolved issues thrown up by “red flag” alerts and KYC “background checks”.
  • Investors. We provide commercial intelligence to enable investors to make informed decisions. We work across a range of asset classes in developed, emerging and frontier markets. We look beyond the numbers to examine the people and events that impact future revenue streams.
  • Private Equity. We complement financial and legal due diligence with confidential investigations of target companies and their management. We don’t work on a “success fee” basis, ensuring that our advice remains truly independent and conflict-free.
  • Development Finance Institutions. Greyhawk has provided over forty in-depth integrity due diligence reports to four regional and international development finance institutions. Highly sensitive to reputation risks while working in complex and opaque markets, these multilateral agencies trust Greyhawk to provide nuanced analysis based on robust fact-finding.

Greyhawk’s due diligence investigations combine best practices in confidential enquiries (HUMINT) with the thorough research and analysis of public information sources (OSINT).

Working with our network of over 200 contributors in 80 markets, our multilingual team sources ground-level intelligence from a target company’s clients, suppliers, and competitors. We consult current and former officials and regulators. We seek insight and opinion from informed sector specialists.

Every Greyhawk due diligence investigation is led by a director with at least twenty years’ experience. Our boutique team combines over sixty years of investigations experience, including extensive in-country deployment across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Ranked by Chambers and Partners

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